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Preparation for the exam for IR (patent) and RVP

Passing the patent (IR) exam or temporary residence permit (RVP)? Prepare for it with the help of our platform. For you, more than 100 standard tasks that will help successfully undergo testing and improve your adaptation in Russia.


Patent test (Ir)

More than 100 questions and answers to them in the most convenient format for training. Patent (Ir)

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Test for preparation for the exam on RVP

More than 150 questions and answers to them to prepare for the exam in the best format for quick training.

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Why do you need to prepare for the exam?


Не теряй время и деньги!

If you do not pass the exam on the first attempt, you will have to re -stand in line and pay for the exam. This is not only additional expenses, but also a loss of precious time.


Deportation is not asleep!

Underwear can lead to the fact that you will not have time to perform all the necessary procedures on time. This increases the risk of deportation, which can seriously affect your plans and life.


Be sure 100%!

Preparation for the exam reduces stress levels and increases self -confidence. Knowing that you are well prepared, you can approach the exam with calmness and confidence.


Russia expands the attraction of migrants to solve the problem of lack of labor

Russia seeks to expand the sources of attracting labor migrants beyond the borders of the former Soviet republics, including countries such as Myanmar, to solve an acute shortage of labor. With unemployment at 2.3% and a shortage of employees in sectors such as construction, the government is actively looking for new sources of labor resources. Minister of Economics Maxim Reshetnikov emphasized the need to diversify migration sources, noting negotiations with Myanmar, where a significant part of the population works abroad. Difficulties with a set of employees are aggravated by the mobilization and emigration of Russians since 2022. In addition, migrants from Central Asia report an increase in hostility after a terrorist act in 2024. Reshetnikov emphasized the importance of effective regulation of migration to support the domestic labor market.

Added preparation for RVP - temporary resolution

Now you can put on an exam on the RVP using our platform. Keep in mind that attempts to IR and RVP are separate.

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We have updated the site!

We are pleased to report that the site has been updated and now supports many languages. We thank all users for such activity. Soon there will be more tests and questions for preparation!

In Russia, the Sending Maintenance Region comes into force

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia announced that all foreign citizens who are in the country without legal grounds will be included in the register of controlled persons. This measure will be valid until the moment of their expulsion (deportation or voluntary departure) or to resolve their legal status. The register will be available on the official website of the department, and from the moment of publication to foreigners it will be considered that they are notified of entering or excluding their data.

Migrants will be fined for children who do not know Russian

If minor foreigners will not be able to pass a test in the Russian language upon admission to school, within a month they will not begin to pass additional programs, information about them will be sent to the guardianship authorities in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Commission on Minors and Protecting their Rights. After that, their parents will be brought to administrative responsibility for failure to fulfill their duties on teaching a child.

From February 5, illegal immigrants in Russia will close all doors

If earlier to expel foreigners who do not have Russian citizenship, only judges and border guards could from the country, then from February 5, police officers will begin to possess such powers. In addition, the expulsion mode is introduced for migrants. Information about the discovered illegal immigrants will be entered in a special register. They will need to either leave the territory of the Russian Federation, or legalize their stay here. Otherwise, they will not be able, for example, to open bank accounts, have a driver’s license and use them, as well as acquire property, register business, marry.

In Russia, the rules for admission to the school of children of migrants may tighten

The Ministry of Education believes that it is necessary to change the package of documents necessary for enrolling children-foreigners to educational institutions. The list may include: a document confirming the right to live in Russia a child and his legal representatives; certificate of absence of infectious diseases; a document on the passage of fingerprint registration and test results for knowledge of the Russian language; SNILS of the student and his parents.

From February 5, 2025, the police will receive the right to independently expel migrants

According to the new rules, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will be able to make decisions on the administrative expulsion of foreign citizens for violations provided for by the Code of Administrative Offenses (Code of Administrative Offenses) of the Russian Federation. The powers will be granted to the chiefs of the territorial police bodies and their deputies. These changes are aimed at simplifying the procedure for holding migrants accounting for Russian legislation.

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Register of foreigners. Update daily

Less than two weeks later in Russia, the public electronic register of foreigners who are in the country will begin to work illegally. Its launch is scheduled for February 5, 2025. For the first time, all cases of illegal stay will be collected in a single base. The register will be updated daily from the moment of its opening.

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The State Duma requested the SK proposals to change migration laws

After the dispute between Bastrykin and Volodin, the Committee of the Lower Chamber sent a request to the UK about the work of the State Duma in the field of opposition to illegal migration, proposing to submit ideas to improve legislation. The request specifies what changes the department considers necessary and how they are correlated with current initiatives.

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The State Duma will introduce a draft law on testing the knowledge of the Russian language in children of migrants

The LDPR faction has prepared a bill proposing to make a mandatory test of the knowledge of the Russian language in children of migrants before entering schools. The explanatory note notes that the lack of basic knowledge of the Russian language creates psychological problems for students and increases the load on teachers.

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